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Russell came into our class, Room 9, this morning to talk to us about the swan plants that we planted last year. Everyone in our class had a chance to stand up and report back about how their swan plant is growing.
Swan plants are the only plants that monarch butterflies can grow on. There is a special milk inside the leaves that monarch caterpillars eat. This is the only food that they can eat.
If we want more beautiful monarch butterflies in Eastbourne, we have to grow more swan plants! The seed pods that grow on the plants will eventually land in the soil and grow a new plant.
Some Room 9 members speak out about their swan plants:
Sally- "Agie (the rabbit)ate the stalk during the night" That was the end of Sally's swan plant!
Bridie- "My swan plant is up to my chin, but no butterflies on it."
Harry- "Mine is up to my tummy-button and two butterflies have hatched."
Ciaran- "25 butterflies have hatched from mine"
Gabriella- "35 butterflies have hatched from mine"
Billy- "Mine had 3 seed pods on it, it was up to my chin, then my sister broke it. But it is still living, just much smaller."
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