Monday, May 19, 2008

An Important part of Muritai's Environment.

In the recent Birds Eye View (volume 7) Andrew acknowledged the great turn out of Muritai School students at the Eastbourne ANZAC service. With help from the Eastbourne RSA the school now has a brand new national flag that flies proudly on the war memorial flagpole. Each morning the Y5/6 road patrollers raise the flag with great excitement and lower it again at the end of the day. The flag provides the children with yet another opportunity to develop a sense of pride and belonging.

Matt Skilton

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That new blue bin looks fantastic! The red bin got so full of paper that it flew everywhere. This new bin is a collosal contribution to cleaning up and keeping our enviroment around us (Eastbourne). Our community is getting more enviro friendly everyday and the littlest bits such as: sorting your rubbish and not wasting power count. Keep up the good work!

From the enviro team year 7 and 8.
From Sophie