Thursday, June 19, 2008

Room 14's Group Guided Reading

Yesterday we based our group guided reading around a discussion text about Global Warming.

The Earth is warmed by absorbing the sun. About a third of the heat is then reflected back into the atmosphere. This then becomes heat energy. Some of this heat can get trapped in the lower atmosphere by certain gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour. This means that with the build up of these gases the Earth is warming up. This is called the Greenhouse Effect.

We found out that we are releasing too many of these gases into the atmosphere and that it is causing a lot of damage. Palaeontologists believe that it will lead to more animals and plants becoming extinct. This will upset the food chain.

Something else we found out was that our pollution is greater now than it has ever been in history. If we don't make changes global warming will increase evaporation and as a result there will be less water to sustain forests. Farmlands could become deserts and the water in our lakes could become dry. We can't survive without water!

What are you as an individual trying to do to save the environment? What could you change to help?

Cowley Reading Group in Room 14

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